How To Fix A Wet Septic Drain Field
These drain lines are at a minimum depth of 6 inches and are typically 18 to 36 inches wide. This is commonly seen in septic systems that are more than 20 years old. Watch For These Signs to See if Tree Roots Clogged Your In soil compaction and root invasion, the vehicles, structures, and plants should be removed from the septic area and replanted away from the system. How to fix a wet septic drain field . You can prevent septic wet spots if you should do your part. Wait to pump until the ground dries. Also a field is not that pricey if you find the right person. Bacterial additive (not chemical) to break down organic solids in the tank. If your septic drain field is clogged, you need to replace the entire thing. Pump the tank to remove accumulated solids and clean the effluent filter to allow for proper discharge to the drainfield. These damages result to leaks that make the wastewater back up into your home or yard as leach field wet spots. Adding a few inches o...