How To Be Consistent In Life
Those who adhere to this ethic oppose war, the death penalty, euthanasia, and abortion. The 2021 consistent life network conference took place on april 24th. Why it's hard to be consistent. in 2020 Consistency The consistent life network’s website states that “the consistent life ethic is the premise or theory that all human life is inherently valuable, and therefore, that all humans deserve to live. How to be consistent in life . This does not mean you cannot pray every other time of the day. Some adherents go as far as full pacifism, and oppose all war. The consistent life ethic, or the consistent ethic of life is an ideology that opposes abortion, capital punishment, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. We must be consistent in our christian lives because we know our consistency is not from our strength or skill but from the power of god. Consistency is a great quality of leaders. “i've learned from experience that if you work harder at it, and apply more energy a...